Friday, 12 August 2011

Pretty Little Liars

Aku tengah gila tengok Pretty Little Liars sekarang ni. Sekarang ni season two is ongoing but aku still terhegeh-hegeh mengadap season one. Dah 2 hari aku tengok sampai tertido depan komputer ni ha.Orang lain duk sibuk terawih aku sibuk dengan misteri Alison hilang. dunia dunia. Hehe

Maybe you guys should listen to one of the song in this series. Babies, its awesome !

Dalam cerita ni, aku paling suka Hanna. In the earlier episode I thought she is bitch or something like a queen bee but i was wrong. She thinks of her family, her mom. Bila dia tahu family dia ada masalah kewangan, dia dah tak buat hal. Even sanggup jual stuffs dia online semata-mata nak cari duit nak tolong mak dia. She knows what she's doing and patiently wait for her man. I love her girlish outfits !

Kenapa la bila tengok Aria aku asyik bayangkan Selena Gomez? Aren't they siblings? because looking at Aria totally reminds me of Selena Gomez.



Maybe sama kat rambut kot. Or mata aku sorang je yang nampak camtu. You should watch it too. Nice!


mysarah suhaimi said...

follow sy tau~

alfsfr.ali said...

ada entry khas untuk anda..